Tuesday Modern Jive Class Night
Worthing The Warren Ballroom
Doors Open 7.45pm
Beginners Lesson, suitable for complete novices 8pm
Freestyle/Social Dancing 8.45-9.15pm
Intermediate lesson 9.15pm - 9.30pm
Freestyle dancing 9.30pm - 11.45pm
£7 entry
A great night of dancing with a mix of lessons and up to three hours of freestyle dancing.
The beginners lesson is suitable for all levels from complete novice - we are delighted that many experienced dancers join in with this lesson as this makes it much easier for the beginners to progress quickly.
The intermediate lesson adds a more interesting move which can be used in freestyle dancing. This usually takes around 15 minutes to learn.
Freestyle dancing starts after the intermediate lesson. Freestyle dancing is where you get to practice what your learned and were you get to dance with everyone. We keep the music going and going - for as long as there's people dancing - this means that everyone gets as much dancing as they want - some people leave at 10pm - especially those with an early start on Thursdays. And sometimes there's still people dancing at midnight!